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Hamax Caress Child Seat Zubehör / Pendler

185 €

The essential child seat for any parent and the day's latest adventure. The seat mounts easily on the bike's rear rack and is adjustable with a 20° recline. Designed for one-handed operation so you can stabilize the bike while getting your kid in place.

The children seats for installation are produced by Hamax, not by Cowboy. Our role is limited to providing installation services, and we are not liable for any manufacturing, design, or inherent defects of the seats. Customers should follow Hamax's guidelines for safe use of the child seat.

Warranty and liability concerns regarding the child seat must be directed to Hamax. Our liability is confined to the installation service.

Note: Never leave children unattended in the seat with the bike on a kick-stand. The kick-stand isn't designed to support a child's weight and could collapse, risking injury. Always ensure the bike is stable and secure when using the children seat.

By opting for this service, you acknowledge and accept the terms of this disclaimer.

The essential child seat for any parent and the day's latest adventure. The seat mounts easily on the bike's rear rack and is adjustable with a 20° recline. Designed for one-handed operation so you can stabilize the bike while getting your kid in place.

The children seats for installation are produced by Hamax, not by Cowboy. Our role is limited to providing installation services, and we are not liable for any manufacturing, design, or inherent defects of the seats. Customers should follow Hamax's guidelines for safe use of the child seat.

Warranty and liability concerns regarding the child seat must be directed to Hamax. Our liability is confined to the installation service.

Note: Never leave children unattended in the seat with the bike on a kick-stand. The kick-stand isn't designed to support a child's weight and could collapse, risking injury. Always ensure the bike is stable and secure when using the children seat.

By opting for this service, you acknowledge and accept the terms of this disclaimer.

Hamax Caress Child Seat Zubehör / Pendler

185 €

The essential child seat for any parent and the day's latest adventure. The seat mounts easily on the bike's rear rack and is adjustable with a 20° recline. Designed for one-handed operation so you can stabilize the bike while getting your kid in place.

The children seats for installation are produced by Hamax, not by Cowboy. Our role is limited to providing installation services, and we are not liable for any manufacturing, design, or inherent defects of the seats. Customers should follow Hamax's guidelines for safe use of the child seat.

Warranty and liability concerns regarding the child seat must be directed to Hamax. Our liability is confined to the installation service.

Note: Never leave children unattended in the seat with the bike on a kick-stand. The kick-stand isn't designed to support a child's weight and could collapse, risking injury. Always ensure the bike is stable and secure when using the children seat.

By opting for this service, you acknowledge and accept the terms of this disclaimer.

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Hamax Caress Child Seat

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